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RISE Program

Reach, Inspire, Support future Educators

RISE [Reach, Inspire, Support future Educators] is a program designed to introduce talented students of color to prospective employers in the field of education.

RISE establishes engaging relationships with teacher candidates of color that are aspiring to become teachers, and helps students develop professional networks with peers and experts who are focusing on the same issues and challenges.

Through MNU’s RISE program, prospective employers partner with the Teacher Education Department to provide placement sites and mentors for select teacher candidates. Those “drafted” by a given school or district complete field and clinical experiences in that school or district. These teacher candidates are tracked throughout their program to ensure they maintain expectations for program advancement and completion. Upon a successful student teaching experience, the RISE member is eligible for an interview for employment in his or her mentoring district.

The Teacher Draft

Once a teacher candidate completes the required courses, the Teacher Education Department facilitates a “Teacher Draft.” During draft day, local schools and districts partnering with MNU in the RISE program have an opportunity to meet and interview draftees for the purpose of identifying those with whom the school or district is interested in equipping for the classroom. Offers are made to draftees and MNU presents these offers to RISE members and helps facilitate the acceptance of placement.

  • Submitted, complete application
  • Two letters of reference
  • Resume (guide provided)
  • Current GPA confirmed by high school
  • Current high school rank confirmed by high school
  • Hope survey, completed at interview
  • Interview using Possible Selves protocol
  • Submitted, complete application
  • Two letters of reference
  • Resume (guide provided)
  • Hope survey, completed at interview
  • Interview using Possible Selves protocol

More Information

For more information about the MNU RISE program, please contact Dr. Jill Gonzalez-Bravo, Chair, Teacher Education, jegonzalezbravo@mnu.edu, or Dr. Neil Friesland, coordinator, RISE Program, nfriesla@mnu.edu.